Module Mlang.Bir

type rov_id = Mir.rov_id
module ROVMap = Mir.RuleMap
type tgv_id = string
type variable = {
on_tgv : tgv_id;
offset : int;
mir_var : Mir.Variable.t;
module VariableMap : MapExt.T with type key = variable
module VariableSet : SetExt.T with type elt = variable
type expression = variable Mir.expression_
type condition_data = variable Mir.condition_data_
type variable_def = variable Mir.variable_def_
type function_name = string
type rule_or_verif_code =
| Rule of stmt list
| Verif of stmt
and rule_or_verif = {
rov_id : rov_id;
rov_name : string Pos.marked;
rov_code : rule_or_verif_code;
and stmt_kind =
| SAssign of variable * variable_def
| SConditional of expression * stmt list * stmt list
| SVerifBlock of stmt list
| SRovCall of rov_id
| SFunctionCall of function_name * Mir.Variable.t list
| SPrint of Mast.print_std * variable Mir.print_arg list
| SIterate of variable * Mir.CatVarSet.t * expression * stmt list
| SRestore of VariableSet.t * (variable * Mir.CatVarSet.t * expression) list * stmt list
| SRaiseError of Mir.error * string option
| SCleanErrors
| SExportErrors
| SFinalizeErrors
type mpp_function = {
mppf_stmts : stmt list;
mppf_is_verif : bool;
type target_function = {
file : string option;
tmp_vars : (variable * Pos.t * int option) StrMap.t;
stmts : stmt list;
is_verif : bool;
module FunctionMap : MapExt.T with type key = function_name

This record allows to store statements generated from the m_spec file without modifying the Bir.program function map. Thus the map reflects the computation strictly as described in M and MPP.

Bir module public interface can then provide access to the statements associated with the declared main function either:

Initialisation of the variables at the Bir level including unused variables is necessary to the Bir.interpreter but frowned upon in code generation backends where the data structure size incites to use idiomatic efficient methods of initialisation instead of resting upon a row of assignments.

type program = {
mpp_functions : mpp_function FunctionMap.t;
targets : target_function Mir.TargetMap.t;
rules_and_verifs : rule_or_verif ROVMap.t;
main_function : function_name;
idmap : Mir.idmap;
mir_program : Mir.program;
val default_tgv : tgv_id
val size_of_tgv : unit -> int
val var_from_mir : tgv_id -> Mir.Variable.t -> variable
val var_to_mir : variable -> Mir.Variable.t
val compare_variable : variable -> variable -> int
val map_from_mir_map : tgv_id -> 'a Mir.VariableMap.t -> 'a VariableMap.t
val set_from_mir_dict : tgv_id -> Mir.VariableDict.t -> VariableSet.t
val rule_or_verif_as_statements : rule_or_verif -> stmt list
val main_statements : program -> stmt list
val get_all_statements : program -> stmt list
val squish_statements : program -> int -> string -> program

In order to handle backends with limited function / method capacity, such as Java's 64kB of bytecode per method, class, etc, this funciton allows a program to be split into chunks of an arbitrary size using the string argument as a suffix to the new function / method name. We piggyback on the existing rules semantics, with these chunks being rule definitions and inserting rule calls in their place

val get_assigned_variables : program -> VariableSet.t
val get_local_variables : program -> unit Mir.LocalVariableMap.t
val get_locals_size : program -> int
val remove_empty_conditionals : stmt list -> stmt list
val get_used_variables_ : expression Pos.marked -> VariableSet.t -> VariableSet.t
val get_used_variables : expression Pos.marked -> VariableSet.t