Module Mlang.DecoupledExpr

type offset =
| GetValueConst of int
| GetValueExpr of string
| GetValueVar of Bir.variable
| PassPointer
| None
val generate_variable : Dgfip_varid.var_id_map -> offset -> ?def_flag:bool -> ?trace_flag:bool -> Bir.variable -> string
type dflag =
| Def
| Val

Low-level M computation

This module distinguish defineness and valuation computations of M expressions so they can be expressed independantly and more thoroughtly optimized. Definition of such expression follows as such:

Local variables

type local_var

Variable local to the computed expression

val locals_from_m : Mir.LocalVariable.t -> local_var * local_var

Return a couple of local variable from a MIR one, for defineness and valuation in this order.

val new_local : unit -> local_var

Create a fresh local variable

Expression constructors

These are the smart constructors used to build expressions. In effect, they represent the language in which computations are defined.

They are used as traditional nestable sum-type constructors. An example:

0.5 * (x + y)

would turn into

mult (lit 0.5) (plus (local_var x) (local_var y)) 

where x and y are previously defined local_vars

type constr

Constructed decoupled expression

val dtrue : constr

True value

val dfalse : constr

False value

val lit : float -> constr

Float literal

val m_var : Bir.variable -> offset -> dflag -> constr

Value from TGV. m_var v off df represents an access to the TGV variable v with df to read defineness or valuation. off is the access type for M array, and should be None most of the time. For array access, see access.

val let_local : local_var -> constr -> constr -> constr

Local let-binding. let_local v defining_expr body_expr is akin to OCaml let v = defining_expr in body_expr

val local_var : local_var -> constr

Access local variable value

val dand : constr -> constr -> constr

Boolean and

val dor : constr -> constr -> constr

Boolean or

val dnot : constr -> constr

Boolean not

val minus : constr -> constr

Negate value

val plus : constr -> constr -> constr

Float addition

val sub : constr -> constr -> constr

Float substraction

val mult : constr -> constr -> constr

Float multiplication

val div : constr -> constr -> constr

Float division. Care to guard for division by zero as it is not intrisectly guarranteed

val comp : string -> constr -> constr -> constr

Comparison operation. The operator is given as C-style string literal

val dfun : string -> constr list -> constr

Function call

val dinstr : string -> constr

Direct instruction

val access : Bir.variable -> dflag -> constr -> constr

Arbitrary access to M TGV variable. Either defineness of valuation

val ite : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr

Functionnal if-the-else construction. ite cond_expr then_expr else_expr is akin to if cond_expr then then_expr else else_expr

Decoupled expressions

While constr is the expression language for decoupled values, the following represents complete and optimized expressions for M computations

type expression_composition = {
def_test : constr;
value_comp : constr;

Representation of an M computation in construction. def_test for the defineness flag, and value_comp for the actual valuation.

val build_transitive_composition : ?safe_def:bool -> expression_composition -> expression_composition

Refine an expression composition to enfore M invariants. Mainly the fact that undefined value are valuated to zero. value_comp of the argument is expected to be defined assuming the expression is defined. safe_def, which defaults to false, can be set when the defined value_comp computation will evaluate to zero if def_test do, allowing the guard to be optimized away.

type t

Decoupled expression type. Closed representation of a computation.

val is_always_true : t -> bool

Tells if the expression t reprensents a value statically different to zero

type local_decls

Representation of local variables existing in an expression

val build_expression : expression_composition -> local_decls * t * t

Crush constr values into closed expressions t

val format_local_declarations : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> local_decls -> unit
val format_assign : Dgfip_options.flags -> Dgfip_varid.var_id_map -> string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit