Module Mlang.Mir

type set_value = Com.Var.t Com.set_value
type expression = Com.Var.t Com.expression
type instruction = ( Com.Var.t, Com.Error.t ) Com.instruction
type m_instruction = instruction Pos.marked
type target_data = {
target_name : string Pos.marked;
target_file : string option;
target_apps : string Pos.marked StrMap.t;
target_args : (Com.Var.t * Pos.t) list;
target_result : (Com.Var.t * Pos.t) option;
target_tmp_vars : (Com.Var.t * Pos.t * int option) StrMap.t;
target_nb_tmps : int;
target_sz_tmps : int;
target_nb_refs : int;
target_prog : m_instruction list;
type stats = {
nb_calculated : int;
nb_base : int;
nb_input : int;
nb_vars : int;
nb_all_tmps : int;
nb_all_refs : int;
sz_calculated : int;
sz_base : int;
sz_input : int;
sz_vars : int;
sz_all_tmps : int;
type program = {
program_safe_prefix : string;
program_applications : Pos.t StrMap.t;
program_var_categories : Com.CatVar.Map.t;
program_rule_domains : Com.rule_domain Com.DomainIdMap.t;
program_verif_domains : Com.verif_domain Com.DomainIdMap.t;
program_vars : Com.Var.t StrMap.t;
program_rules : string IntMap.t;
program_verifs : string IntMap.t;
program_chainings : string StrMap.t;
program_errors : Com.Error.t StrMap.t;
program_functions : target_data Com.TargetMap.t;
program_targets : target_data Com.TargetMap.t;
program_main_target : string;
program_stats : stats;
val find_var_name_by_alias : program -> string Pos.marked -> string
val find_var_by_name : program -> string Pos.marked -> Com.Var.t

Get a variable for a given name or alias, because of SSA multiple variables share a name or alias. If an alias is provided, the variable returned is that with the lowest execution number. When a name is provided, then the variable with the highest execution number is returned.

val expand_functions : program -> program

Calls expand_functions_expr on the whole program